Sunday 13 November 2011

Expression Through Dance

Dance can be defined as an art form which involves movement of the body in a rhythmic manner. It is often used as a form of expression, social interaction or entertainment. 

     Throughout the 18 years that I have been dancing, I have come to realize how accurate this definition is. When I first started dancing it was just a hobby to keep me occupied, but after a few months I realized how much I actually enjoyed it. Soon I began competing and travelling with my studio. Once I graduated high school I was fortunate enough to find a competitive dance team at university and a job teaching at a studio. Both these activities I am still involved with and it allows me to keep up my technique but also have the chance to explore teaching and choreography. My passion for dance did not stem from the competitive element or my desire to win, it was from having the freedom to express emotion and tell stories through dance. It offered a creative outlet to de-stress and to distract myself when school and work became hectic. I would channel any emotion into the choreography I was given.
     Through choreography, feelings of happiness, sadness, or anger can be conveyed. Adding elements such as music and costumes helps to further the story-telling. Whether dance is used just for personal expression, social interaction or even as entertainment, there is still meaning behind each movement. Before a choreographer even begins choosing movement, there is usually a meaning behind it, whether it be a personal experience/ social issue or even through a piece of music that stirs a certain emotion. It is a popular belief that lyrical and contemporary dance are the only genres that are used to tell a story, but it is really any type of dance that can be used to show emotion. Below are two examples of dance which each tell a different story for their audience.

 Evolution of Dance:

So You Think You Can Dance Contemporary Number:

These videos are two examples of the many ways that dance can be used to tell stories. 

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